Skills Builder – creating a business letter

Lesson Aim

  • Know how to format a business letter

Your Task

Format a poor quality business letter so that is of a high quality. Download the business letter below it has all the components required for an effective business letter but needs to be formatted appropriately.

Business letter

Task 2

Now you need to create a business letter of your own to send to companies applying for work experience. Read the instructions below and create a business letter.

Work Experience Letter



Unit 1 – 2010 AO4

For AO4 you need to produce a minimum of three business documents, one of these must be a a business letter. Please ensure you have created the following documents


  • Business letter (letter to parents of pupils who might want to go on the Paris trip)

  • Flyer advertising the trip to Paris (Must contain a clipart image and an image from the internet)

  • Business Card (for teachers)

  • Business leaflet (explaining to Pupils how to stay safe on PCs and how to protect their files)

  • Memo

You also need to have completed the House style document below:

House Style documents

Once you have completed the House styles document, you will need to add annotation to your documents.  You need to identify formatting you have made, images from clipart and the internet.

 Evidence of annotation


Unit 1 – 2010 AO4 Business letter

Your task is to create a Business letter using your House Style. The letter is for the parents of Year 11 pupils at Newsome wanting to go on the Paris trip.

Here is an example of the content you may put in the letter.

Example letter

 Use the presentation below to help you decide how to layout a business letter: