Lesson 1 -YR 9 ICT Creating a maze game
You need to continue with your maze game with gamemaker. Continue with your game following the appropriate tutorial from below:
If you complete all the tutorials above create a poster advertising your game.
lesson 2 – Year 9 GCSE ICT Taster
Read the scenarios document below and discuss the issues raised with your neighbour, following which note the answers to the questions raised in a word docuent and save to your ICT folder.
Lesson 3 – GCSE Computing
Your task is to use create notes on the Internet. Use the worksheet below to help you create the notes. Use the link to help you find the information to complete the worksheet.
Lesson 4 -YR 9 ICT Creating a maze game
You need to continue with your maze game with gamemaker. Continue with your game following the appropriate tutorial from below:
If you complete all the tutorials above create a poster advertising your game.