GCSE – Python Programming
Year 7 – Lesson E – Safety
GCSE Computer Science – Revision
Lesson Aim
- Understand how characters are reprsented in Binary
- Understand Ascii
- Understand how images are reprsented in Binary
Lesson Resources
Introduction to Scratch I
Lesson Aim
- Explain the different sections of the scratch
- Create simple animations in Scratch
Follow the instructions on the worksheets below to create two animations:
Follow the instructions on the worksheet below to create a shark game
Shark game worksheet
Computer Threats
Spreadsheets Level 1
Level 1 Spreadsheet Practice tests
You need to download the spreadsheet worksheets below and then complete the task sets in MS Excel.
Ascii Art
Lesson Aim
- Learn to create ascii art
You will learn how to create ascii art, your task is to follow the instructions on the worksheet below to create an ascii artwork. After completion of the worksheet you will then create an original artwork:
Scratch Programming
Your task
Click on the link below to access Scratch tutorials and work through them