Category: Uncategorized
GCSE – Python Programming
Year 7 – Lesson E – Safety
Computer Threats
Spreadsheets Level 1
Level 1 Spreadsheet Practice tests
You need to download the spreadsheet worksheets below and then complete the task sets in MS Excel.
Ascii Art
Lesson Aim
- Learn to create ascii art
You will learn how to create ascii art, your task is to follow the instructions on the worksheet below to create an ascii artwork. After completion of the worksheet you will then create an original artwork:
Scratch Programming
Your task
Click on the link below to access Scratch tutorials and work through them
Webquest – The year I was born
What year were you born in?
A lot of things probably happened in that year. How much do you know about the events of the year you were born?
Your task: Put your answers into a document using either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher and add some pictures from the year in which you were born!
Use the Internet to help you answer the following questions about the year of your birth:
Your task: Put your answers into a document using either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher and add some pictures from the year in which you were born!
Use the Internet to help you answer the following questions about the year of your birth:
What were some of the main headlines which were in the news? Find three news stories and write a short paragraph about them.
Which political party was in power?
Who was the Prime Minister?
Was Prince Charles married?
Which football club won the league?
What films were popular at the movies?
What pop songs were in the charts?
What were the most popular toys around that time?
What was in fashion?
Think of five more webquest questions and search for the answers