Global Warming Presentation

You will need to create a presentation in powerpoint with the following slides:

  1. Title and Picture
  2. What is global warming
  3. Arguments for Global warming
  4. Arguments against Global warming
  5. Your conclusions
  6. sources

Ensure you have recorded your sources.

If you have completed your presentation, create a poster advising Newsome High School pupils how they can reduce their carbon footprint.

Global Warming Presentation

You will need to create a presentation in powerpoint with the following slides:

  1. Title and Picture
  2. What is global warming
  3. Arguments for Global warming
  4. Arguments against Global warming
  5. Your conclusions
  6. sources

Ensure you have recorded your sources.

If you have completed your presentation, create a poster advising Newsome High School pupils how they can reduce their carbon footprint.

Unit 1 AO2 2010

Well done, you have completed AO1 and can now move on to AO2 for the first part of AO2 you will need to demonstrate that you can use a search engine effectively to search for information about travelling to Paris, France.   Use the sheet below to record your evidence:

Evidence sheet AO2

Example evidence sheet AO2

Once you have completed the evidence sheet, your task is to find 10 pictures of Paris which may be used in Presentations and Leaflets.

You will also need to find the cost of different attractions eg. Eiffel Tower, Euro disney

Work for Friday 11 september

Lesson 1 – PPA

 Lesson 2 – 11bwIT1

NB: Deadline for completion of units 1 October 2010

Can you  continue with work on one of the following task: 

  • Complete unit 1 ( only 1 or 2 pupils)
  • Complete work on optional unit (ensuring it is complete)
  • Improve work on unit 1 to merit or distinction grade, marks can be found in following folder:

Public –> ICT Faculty –> Year 11 marks –> 11aIT1

Lesson 3 – 8F/IT3

Your task is to create a presentation about computer viruses. The presentation is to be aimed at teenagers. You must have 5 slides in your presentation. Each slide must have the following information:

  1. Title and author
  2. Explain what is a Virus
  3. How can a computer get a virus
  4. How to protect a computer from viruse
  5. Names of some anti-virus software including at least 1 free piece of software.


You must use bullet points on your presentation and include some appropriate images.

Lesson 4 – 10aw/KS1

Your task is to produce a high quality poster advertising Newsome Fitness.  Remember it is aimed at 18-30 year olds, use appropriate pictures and colours.  You will have to include your logo in the poster if it is not complete it needs to be completed.

Lesson 5 – 11a/it1

NB: Deadline for completion of units 1 October 2010

Can you  continue with work on one of the following task: 

  • Complete unit 1 ( only 1 or 2 pupils)
  • Complete work on optional unit (ensuring it is complete)
  • Improve work on unit 1 to merit or distinction grade, marks can be found in following folder:

Public –> ICT Faculty –> Year 11 marks –> 11aIT1