Lesson Aim
- Understand how characters are reprsented in Binary
- Understand Ascii
- Understand how images are reprsented in Binary
Lesson Resources
Work for Mr Ali's Classes
Lesson Aim
Lesson Resources
You need to produce a powerpoint presentation about input devices. Your presentation will need a title slide and then a slide for each input device.
Each slide needs the following
You may use the internet to get images and information, but do not copy and paste text.
If you finish the presentation for input devices, create a similar presentation for OUTPUT Devices.
Today you will create a scratch version of the classic computer game called pong.
Use the worksheet below to help you create the game
Click on the link below to a HTML tutorial and follow the instructions to create your first webpage using HTML
Continue improving your skills in HTML by following the code acdemy course below:
Click on the code academy link below and create a user account.
Now continue on to the exercises
Download and complete the worksheets below:
Download the Spreadsheet and complete the wordsearch
Network Student Presentation
Lesson 1 – Network Hardware Student
Complete the following Exit Ticket
Click on the tutorial below to find instructions on how to create a catch the ball game in Scratch. Use the tutorial to create your own game, if you complete the tutorial modify the game and personalise it.
Complete D2 and D3 for unit 28. This needs to be completed by the end of today, to allow us to start the spreadsheet unit next lesson.
Can you continue with the logo research from the previous lesson, and complete the powerpoint presentation. You need to review 3/4 food festival logos ( ensuring you complete the sources table) and answer the review questions on the presentation in detail. The review presentation should be in their own folder if a student was absent last lesson he may go to the following folder:
Students –> ICT & Computing –> Year 10 /11 –> Unit DA203…